Indian Spices Series
All SpicesThe magical aroma of the perfect blend of spices radiates freshness and stimulates your senses. The robust and warm fragrance of spicy clove bud, stimulating aroma of cinnamon leaf and the savour of strong cardamom are blended together to create the rich Aura All Spices incense sticks. The subtle handcrafted incense sticks are the best we could create to bring freshness to you. |
CloveThe classic aroma of an unopened bud of clove is just enough to brighten your day. The flush of aroma from this little flower offers a soothing and healthy effect. The strong sillage of these handmade incense sticks reminds the wilderness of nature. It also purifies the air around. |
CinnamonExperience a spiritual awakening within you. The incense sticks are a delight to rejuvenate yourself. Aura Cinnamon incense sticks boast about the sumptuous and sophisticated aroma of a true cinnamon. This ancient Indian spice is known for its purity. The veteran professionals handcrafted the bio-degradable and nature friendly incense sticks. |
CardamomCardamom is used as a healing spice since centuries. Its aroma can revitalise your day. Cardamom Incense Sticks are made in an eco-friendly process from the extracts of handpicked cardamom found in southern India. The rich fragrance and purity of these incense sticks are highly acknowledged to bring freshness and vitality. |